Then I look at my makeup in storage and wonder if I've lost my mind. Will I be one of those old ladies who carries around makeup in a handbag too heavy just because she might need it? If I die unexpectedly, will the person who has to clean out my house decide I had early Alzheizmer's? I can hear it now, "I wonder why she thought she needed 200 blushers?"
Collectors have a passion. Think about the collectors who have thousands of postcards, or comic books, or snow globes from every corner of the earth, or books, or Pez dispensers (the origins of eBay). We're all a bit crazy. At least I can use or admire the things I collect (and yes, I said things - there are a few other passions). Anyone else share the affliction?
Wait! I just heard UPS at my door. He brought me a few new blushers! Gotta run!
Photo courtesy of zazzle.com, where you can purchase this bag