Gaia from The Non-Blonde is happy it’s spring! Read about her favorite fragrances for the new season. Will they leave you singing too?
Kari from Fabulous Over Forty interviewed Avon chemist Anthony D. Gonzalez about Avon's newest skin care line. See what he has to say about the latest creation, Avon Reversalist.
Have you been in the same old neutral eyeshadow rut? Anne from BeautyXposé showed us how to use color on our eyes, but still keep it within the safe zone.
Kelly from Gouldylox Reviews has been searching out the perfect exfoliating mask, one that actually works. Could this pumpkin mask she found be "the one"?
Were you a Joan Jett fan in the 80’s and now? Felicia from This That Beauty showed us how Joan Jett’s makeup look was created for the premiere of The Runaways.
Carla from Product Girl shared with us her favorite products this spring. From drugstore to department store, see if these will become your favorites too!
Looking for a nail polish line that is free of harmful chemicals? KarlaSugar showed us the latest SpaRitual collection at The Next Best Thing to Going Shopping Yourself.
Annie at Blogdorf Goodman is a fan of Carmindy on TLC’s What Not To Wear. She’s doing a giveaway of Carmindy’s latest beauty book titled Crazy Busy Beautiful. Sign up for your chance to win!
I hope you entered the Misikko Hana flat iron giveaway contest here at Best Things in Beauty! It ends tomorrow, April 18.
Have a beauty-full weekend, everyone!