This was quite a week at my house. After seriously adverse effects from Synvisc-ONE injections in both knees last Friday, I've been housebound a lot - too much! When I did go out, I paid the consequences later. Fortunately, I'm now on the mend, due to that wonder-drug athletes love so much. :)
I'm ready for The Friday Forum! Most of you know, we "share" information in The Friday Forum. Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Tell us about it! Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Tell us why! Do you have questions others might be able to answer? We can help! Want to talk about skin care? I'm game! Just use the comments. We have busy weekends and slow ones on the forum. Either way, I always enjoy hearing from you.
As usual, I will share beauty bits with you over the weekend. I'll put them in the comments, so check for free shipping offers and other treats from beauty companies. I'll be posting the latest ones this evening.
The microphone is yours!
Photo courtesy of www.ec.gc.ca/education