Best Things in Beauty has one OMC3 to give away, courtesy of the generous Armani Beauty team at Saks Fifth Avenue in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Here's the deal. Saks in Chevy Chase, Maryland has a super-cool two-day event coming up. Tim Quinn, Giorgio Armani Beauty's Celebrity Face Designer, will be there on May 21 and 22 (Friday and Saturday) to help women with appointments select the right colors to look their best. He may not be the one who actually applies your makeup - it will depend on how busy it is when you go - but he will definitely select some shades for you.
To be eligible to win this contest, you have to do three simple things.
- Simply leave a comment here saying you are going to the event.
- Call the Armani counter at Saks at (240) 497-5206 and make an appointment to meet with Tim. When you call, make sure to tell them you are a Best Things in Beauty reader and what name you used to leave the comment.
- Keep your appointment with one of the world's best makeup artists.
Now, back to OMC3 for a minute. The targeted anti-aging OMC3 treatment is designed to restructure, replenish, and re-plump the skin for women (and men) concerned with wrinkles, firmness, and sagging. Its active ingredients are the OMC3 complex, a combination of perlite solute, iron, and silicium - the latter two being anti-aging, cell-regenerating minerals; pro-xylane, which stimulates the production of glycosaminoglycans, important to the function of connective tissue; and hyaluronic acid (a must-use topical hydrator). This is "good stuff" for the skin!
Crema Nera OMC3 is said to add density, firmness, and structure to the skin by working at three levels: the epidermis, dermo-epidermal junction, and the dermis. Basically, the three essential ingredients in OMC3 are believed to repair the skin by acting on different types of collagen, increasing collagen production. The results? In a four-week test, 81% of the participants experienced increased firmness, 73% experienced a decrease in the appearance of wrinkles (imagine pushing them out from the inside), and 73% had improved density.
The contest deadline for leaving a comment here is midnight on May 20. I wouldn't recommend that you wait to book your appointment with Tim. Appointments with him are always a hot ticket, and they book fast. Check out my recent interview with him!
My thanks, once again, to the uber-generous Armani Beauty team at Saks for this contest! It's intended to be a thank you to my local readers and their customers - and a nice way to introduce you to Armani's superstar, Tim Quinn.
I'll be posting this giveaway contest at Free!Grechen, my favorite giveaway contest site. Good luck!
Photo courtesy of Armani Beauty