These Twitter events are a blast! I'm telling you now, rather than the day before, so that you can take some time to think about what you would ask Bobbi - live and in person. Don't ask her the usual questions (e.g., how can I mask under-eye darkness). Ladies, use Bobbi Brown's Corrector! Spend some time and think about the dilemmas that drive you nuts - the problems you can't solve.
I'll never forget the day that Bobbi, appearing at Neiman Marcus when her business was new, told me that I should never wear red-toned eye shadows. She was absolutely right when she said that red-toned shadows would bring out the redness in my eyelids and any redness in my eyes. Now, if a makeup artist reaches for a burgundy red shadow, I cringe and ask them to select another color. I don't want to look like an albino bunny (cute as they are).
To ensure that your questions get to Bobbi, end them on Twitter using what we call a hashtag (the # symbol) and type "#beautyrules." Tweet your questions to @AskBobbiBrown. You could get personal advice from an expert - one of the best on earth!
Don't have a Twitter account? It's fast and easy to establish one. Just go to Twitter.com. It's a happening place.
I'm going to spend some time this weekend thinking about what I'll ask.
Photo courtesy of Bobbi Brown