Saturday, June 19, 2010

Weekend Rant: Product Returns

If you read Best Things in Beauty regularly, you know that I've been testing primers for months. I've found great ones and others that left me wondering, "What on earth were they thinking?"

One primer I reviewed recently came from a luxury-priced line, and it did nothing - absolutely nothing - to prime, prepare, or enhance my skin. Yet the company representative (who knows I love the makeup from her company) testified to its effectiveness in adding a glow. Hope springs eternal, so I forked over my charge card and purchased it.

Later, as I shared with you, I found that the product was worthless. It had no desirable effects - nada. Kim (a beauty pro) asked in the comments if I'd lost my mind. In a word, sweetie, yes. I was in the mood to try primers, and I assumed that a company that could make fabulous makeup could also introduce products to enhance our makeup.

Fast forward. This past week, I had a session with an esthetician who works exclusively for the same company. Here's how the conversation went.

Me: I tried the blah-de-blah primer, and...
Her (cutting me off): That primer won't do anything for your skin. Why did you buy it?
Me: The rep told me it would be fabulous for me.
Her: Which rep? Did you buy it at [insert store name]? Was her name [insert SA name]?
Me: Yep.
Her: Take it back. We do have a primer you might like, but that's not it.

And so I did. I really don't like to return things. I feel that if I make the wrong decision, it's really my fault. I'm supposed to be hype-resistant. For the most part, I am. This time, I was misled by the company's incredibly fabulous makeup, a lure it turned out. I'll be smarter next time.

Why am I writing out this rant? It's really not OK to buy products just to try them and then return them. You will earn a bad reputation at a store if you do that too often. If you like beauty products, you want to have a good relationship with the many talented (and honest) people who work in the industry. They deserve that! I've made some lasting friendships at stores, and I know how hard my friends work to please us.

If you are interested in a new product, ask the sales associate or company representative for a tester or sample. If they don't have a pre-packaged one, they will usually make one for you (at a good store). Had I been able to get one, I would not have purchased the primer. The Golden Rule has to apply here. Do unto stores as you would have them do unto you! However, if a sales or company representative misleads you, you have a right to return an item that doesn't match his or her praise. Maybe the rep can explain to you how you might use it more effectively. Maybe not. Have that discussion. It's only fair.

What about you? How do you feel about returning beauty products?

Photo courtesy of MJC